The Love that Dare Not Bark Its Name

We all know that there are certain kinds of thrills that are worth the risk, that the forbidden fruit can taste sweetest when it’s a chocolate sneaked from Mom’s birthday gift selection (not that I would know anything about any such thing from my youth!), the extra hour out past curfew when one thinks one’s parents are out of the house, the bouquet picked from a neighbor’s flowerbed en route home from grade school. And there’s no doubt that some are drawn to romance most powerfully when it is risky, when it defies convention, when it defies logic. Is anyone really immune to the lure of breaking with tradition, just a little?Graphite Drawing + Text: Precarious Position

13 thoughts on “The Love that Dare Not Bark Its Name

  1. Your mention of defying convention reminds me that on the subject of rapid and significant breaks with tradition in a moral system, Jonathan Haidt makes the analogy in The RIghteous Mind that destroying the hive doesn’t help the bees.

  2. Pingback: Flu as Poetic Inspiration | The Green Study

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